North Dakota colleges say Minnesota’s free tuition plan “catastrophic” for the state

[ad_1] Minnesota Senate sends bill to governor that would provide free college tuition for families making Minnesota Senate sends bill to governor that would provide free college tuition for families making 01:57 Minnesota’s ambitious plan to give lower-income residents free college has created a “crisis” in neighboring North Dakota, where higher education officials worry about … Read more

States are flush with cash. It’s setting off “tax cut fever.”

[ad_1] Even as the U.S. economy shows signs of slowing down, many states around the U.S. are flush with cash, with their so-called rainy day funds estimated to reach a record high of $136.8 billion this fiscal year.  And lawmakers in more than half of states are responding to their new cash cushions with similar … Read more

Politicians consider limits on farm ownership after Chinese balloon saga

[ad_1] Near the banks of Montana’s Musselshell River, cattle rancher Michael Miller saw a large, white orb above the town of Harlowton last week, a day before U.S. officials revealed they were tracking a suspected Chinese spy balloon over the state. The balloon caused a stir in the 900-person town surrounded by cattle ranches, wind … Read more

More than half of U.S. states are moving to cut your taxes

[ad_1] Even as the U.S. economy shows signs of slowing down, many states around the U.S. are flush with cash, with their so-called rainy day funds estimated to reach a record high of $136.8 billion this fiscal year. And lawmakers in more than half of states are responding to their new cash cushions with similar … Read more